Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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State PCS

India Map : February (III) 2019

Identify Places On Map
  • 1. Identify the state which hosted the fifth International Dam Safety Conference 2019.

    Odisha hosted the fifth International Dam Safety Conference 2019. The two-day conference was held in Bhubaneswar under the aegis of the ongoing World Bank-assisted Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) as a part of institutional strengthening.

  • 2. Identify the state in which Abhor wildlife sanctuary is located.

    In Punjab, the Abohar Wildlife Sanctuary is an open sanctuary, comprising farmlands of some Bishnoi villages. Herds of black buck, the indigenous antelope, with their distinctive twisted horns, can be found wandering freely in this sanctuary.

  • 3. Identify the state in which Dard Aryans tribe resides.

    In Jammu and Kashmir, some 200 km from Leh are the villages of Dha, Hanu, Garkone and Darchik on both sides of the Indus River, inhabited by the Buddhist Dard Tribes. The villages are together called the “Aryan valley”. “The word ‘Dard’ is derived from a Sanskrit word, ‘Daradas’, which means people who live on hillsides,” A number of researchers, as well as the tribals, perceive a threat to the heritage of the community owing to modernisation, migration and religious conversion. The community now numbers about 4,000. Over the last few decades, many of them have embraced Islam or Buddhism.

  • 4. Identify the state which became the first State to set up a price monitoring and research unit (PMRU).

    Kerala has become the first State to set up a price monitoring and research unit (PMRU) to track violation of prices of essential drugs and medical devices under the Drugs Price Control Order (DPCO). The PMRU will offer technical help to the State Drug Controllers and the NPPA to monitor notified prices of medicines, detect violation of the provisions of the DPCO, look at price compliance, and collect test samples of medicines. It will collect and compile market-based data of scheduled as well as non-scheduled formulations.

  • 5. Which state declared the endangered Indus river dolphins as the state’s aquatic animal?

    Punjab recently declared the endangered Indus river dolphins – one of the world’s rarest mammals – as the state’s aquatic animal.

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