Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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World Map : August (I) 2024

Identify Places On Map
  • Locate the place where archaeologists recently discovered a 2,700-year-old Etruscan cult temple (or Oikos) related to the ancient Etruscan civilization.

    Italy Archaeologists recently discovered a 2,700-year-old Etruscan cult temple (or Oikos) related to the ancient Etruscan civilization at the Sasso Pinzuto necropolis in Tuscany, Italy.

  • Where did the Shiveluch volcano recently erupt after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the eastern coast?

    Russia The Shiveluch volcano recently erupted in Russia after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the country's eastern coast.

  • Locate St Martin’s Island, which serves as a breeding ground for sea turtles.

    Bay of Bengal St Martin’s Island, which serves as a breeding ground for sea turtles, is located in the northeastern region of the Bay of Bengal, near the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar.

  • Locate the key water body affected by prolonged drought conditions that is crucial for the Panama Canal's operations.

    Lake Gatun, Panama The key water body affected by prolonged drought conditions, crucial for the Panama Canal's operations, is Lake Gatun situated in Panama.

  • Locate the country where Coal India Limited (CIL) is planning to explore and extract lithium from salt flats, and which holds the world's largest lithium reserves and is the second-largest global producer.

    Chile Coal India Limited (CIL) is planning to explore and extract lithium from salt flats in Chile, which holds the world's largest lithium reserves (36%) and is the second-largest global producer (32%), contributing about 36% to global trade.

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