Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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World Map : December (IV) 2018

Identify Places On Map
  • 1. Which country has recently hosted G20 Summit 2018?

    Buenos Aires, Argentina hosted the two day G20 Summit 2018 on 30 November and 1 December. The G20 is made up of the world's 19 biggest economies and the European Union. The group of 20 accounts for 85% of the world's GDP and two-thirds of its population. The group's main summit takes place annually, with government leaders and central bank governors from the respective countries coming together ostensibly to discuss economic matters and global financial stability.

  • 2. Identify the Island country in which a vaccine has been delivered commercially by drone for the first time.

    Pacific island of Vanuatu - became the first nation in which a one-month old baby has become the first person in history to be given a vaccine delivered commercially by drone.

  • 3. Identify the country which is in news due to “Yellow vest” protest.

    France has been experiencing one of the most significant social mobilisations in its recent history, which laid bare the country's social ills, anti-elite sentiment, growing inequalities and thirst for social justice. It all started on November 17 when tens of thousands of people took to the streets across the country to protest against rising fuel prices. The protesters, dubbed

  • 4. Which country has topped the Global Gender Gap Index 2018.

    Iceland has topped the Global Gender Gap Index for the 10th year in a row. The index was first published in 2006, as a framework for measuring gender disparities in countries by four subindexes: Economic Participation, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival and Political Empowerment. India has been ranked 108th in World Economic Forum (WEF) gender gap index, same as 2017.

  • 5. Identity the country in South Asia which has recently been hit by Tsunami.

    Indonesia's Sunda Strait, between the islands of Java and Sumatra, connecting the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean has recently been hit by tsunami. It is thought undersea landslides from the Anak Krakatau volcano caused them.

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