Noida | IAS GS Foundation Course | date 09 January | 6 PM Call Us
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World Map : August (I) 2022

Identify Places On Map
  • 1. Recently seen in the news, Britain and Argentina are claiming territorial ownership over an island. Locate the island.

    Falkland Island. Britain and Argentina are claiming territorial ownership of Falkland Island. Argentina based its claim to the Falklands based on an official document of 1493 modified by the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494). Britain based its claim on its “open, continuous, effective possession, occupation, and administration” of the islands since 1833 and its determination to apply to the Falklanders the principle of self-determination. India extended support to Argentina's campaign to restart international negotiation on the Falklands Territorial Issue.

  • 2. Locate the country with which Kushiyara River forms the Indian Transboundary?

    Bangladesh. The Kushiyara River is a distributary river in Bangladesh and Assam. It forms on the India-Bangladesh border as a branch of the Barak River when the Barak separates into the Kushiyara and Surma. The waters of the Kushiyara pick up tributaries from Manipur, Mizoram, and Assam. The Kushiyara rejoins with the Surma at Markuli in Ajmiriganj upazila (Bangladesh) and flows south upto Bhairab Bazar (Bangladesh) receiving the name Kalni.

  • 3. Lake Garda, which has reduced to near its lowest level ever recorded, due to drought, is the largest lake in which country?

    Italy. Italy’s worst drought in decades has reduced Lake Garda and has exposed swaths of previously underwater rocks and warmed the water to temperatures that approach the average in the Caribbean Sea. To compensate for the loss of Northern Italy, authorities allowed more water from Lake Garda to flow out to local rivers. With huge amounts of water being diverted to rivers, the lake recorded its lowest level.

  • 4. Algeria and Libya border a country where protests have erupted after a referendum was passed to approve a new Constitution recently. Locate the country.

    Tunisia. Recently, protests have erupted in Tunisia after a referendum was passed to approve a new Constitution that would turn the country back into a Presidential System. Protestors have warned that the new Constitution would erase whatever democratic gains Tunisia has made since the 2011 Arab Spring (Jasmine) revolution and push the country back into an authoritarian slide.

  • 5. Locate the country with which the Indian Army conducted the joint Military Exercise AL NAJAH-IV recently.

    Oman. Indian Army and Royal Army of Oman conducted their joint Military Exercise AL NAJAH-IV from 1st to 13th of August 2022. It was the fourth edition of the exercise. The scope of the exercise included professional interaction, mutual understanding of drills & procedures, establishment of joint command & control structures and elimination of terrorist threats.

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