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Indian Polity

The polity of India is a unique specimen in the world. There are two easily observable things that define this specimen. One, that we inherited long traditions of democratic functioning and even longer traditions of democratic debate and discussions. And two, our body politic is purely an evolution, in which the growth of institutions - both democartic and public - being in the process of change since the beginning of history. The ultimate result of this process is our Constitution and all the Public Institutions of the country like the Parliament and the Supreme Court.

To read on Indian Polity, is thus to read via proxy, the history, cultural-development and social-evolution in India. For instance, we cannot or rather should not try to separate into neat boxes what is Polity and what is History, instead we should have a uniting approach. Such a unity in approach will help in understanding complex issues and in writing freely flowing answers. Therefore, this tab - Indian Polity - will periodically be updated with insightful articles on Indian Polity, its various issues, and its various theories and doctrines. 

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