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The Tarnished ‘Track’ Record

  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 2 min read

Ravi, an Indian Railway Services (IRS) officer, had been posted as the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of a busy railway station in a small town in India. Ravi was known to be a hardworking and efficient officer, who had a reputation for getting things done. He was appreciated by the local community for his efforts to improve the railway station's services.

One day, a businessman approached Ravi, offering him a bribe to allocate more train stops to his business. The businessman promised Ravi a large sum of money in exchange for his help. Ravi, initially hesitant, eventually succumbed to the temptation, knowing that the money would be a significant financial gain for him.

As a result, Ravi made sure that the businessman's trains were given preferential treatment, leading to other train services being delayed or cancelled. This caused significant inconvenience to passengers who relied on the railway for their daily commute.

Eventually, Ravi's actions were exposed, and an investigation was launched. Ravi was found guilty of accepting a bribe and misusing his power, and he was dismissed from the service.

What are the broader implications of Ravi's actions for the IRS and what ethical considerations should have guided Ravi's actions as an IRS officer?

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