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State PCS



Duty vs Welfare of People

  • 11 May 2023
  • 2 min read

Rajiv is a civil servant in a remote district of a state that has been facing severe water scarcity due to drought conditions. Rajiv has been entrusted with the responsibility of distributing water tankers to the drought-affected areas of the district. He has noticed that some of the water tankers are being diverted by the contractors hired to transport them and sold in the nearby towns, where the water is being sold at exorbitant prices to people who can afford it. 

Rajiv is in a dilemma as to how to deal with this situation. On the one hand, he feels a responsibility towards the drought-affected people who desperately need water to survive, and on the other hand, he cannot ignore the unethical and illegal activities of the contractors. He knows that if he acts against the contractors, it might lead to delays in the distribution of water to the affected areas, which could result in loss of lives. 

What should Rajiv do in this situation? Should he ignore the unethical and illegal activities of the contractors for the sake of providing water to the drought-affected people, or should he act against them, even if it means delaying the distribution of water? 

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