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Compromised Integrity

  • 23 May 2023
  • 1 min read

Officer Vikram is a distinguished member of the Indian Defence Accounts Services (IDAS). He is assigned to oversee the financial management of a major defence procurement project that involves the acquisition of advanced military equipment from an international supplier through a government contract.

As Vikram delves deeper into the project's financial records, he uncovers alarming irregularities. It becomes evident that certain officials within the procurement process have engaged in corruption, inflating prices, accepting kickbacks, and compromising the quality of the equipment for personal gain. This unethical conduct poses a significant risk to national security, as compromised equipment could jeopardise the effectiveness and safety of the armed forces.

However, instead of exposing the corrupt practices and upholding national security, Vikram succumbs to the allure of personal gain. He accepted bribes from the international supplier to manipulate the procurement process in their favour and consequently, the defence project suffered from compromised quality, inflated costs, and potential risks to national security.

How do you think should Vikram be held accountable and how can he rectify the damage caused by his corruption?

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