Women Navy Officers on Transoceanic Expeditions | 23 Apr 2024

Source: TH

Recently, the Indian Naval Sailing Vessel INSV Tarini returned to her base port at Goa after a historic transoceanic expedition of nearly two months by two women officers of the Indian Navy.

  • The journey included interactions with Mauritian officials and a training sortie with the Mauritius Coast Guard, strengthening ties between the two nations.
  • This accomplishment signifies the Indian Navy's dedication to gender equality and empowering women in maritime roles.
  • The officers are now preparing for their next adventure – a global circumnavigation expedition called Sagar Parikrama-IV, scheduled for September 2024 aboard INSV Tarini.

INSV Tarini:

  • It is the second sailboat of the Indian Navy after INSV Mhedi.
  • It is known for circumnavigating the globe with an all-women officer crew in the historic expedition titled 'Navika Sagar Parikrama' in 2017.