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Swachh Bharat Mission Reduced Groundwater Contamination: UNICEF

  • 06 Jun 2019
  • 4 min read

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF),report revealed that groundwater is 12.7 times less likely to be contaminated in Open Defecation Free(ODF) villages than non ODF village.

  • Under the "Environmental impact of the Swachh Bharat Mission(Grameen) on Water, Soil, and Food" by UNICEF, groundwater samples were collected and studied from ODF and non-ODF villages of Odisha, Bihar and West Bengal.


  • Soil contamination was found to be 1.13 times more likely in non-ODF villages as compared to ODF villages.
  • Non ODF villages are 1.48 times more likely to have their food contaminated.
  • Non ODF villages are 2.68 times more likely to have household drinking water contaminated compared to ODF villages.
  • Study indicated that these substantial reductions can be attributed to the
    • Improvement in sanitation and hygiene practices.
    • Regular monitoring
    • Behaviour change messaging

Significance of Swachh Bharat Mission

  • As per World Health Organization study on Swachh bharat mission in 2018 has found that 3 lakh lives would be annually saved once 100% ODF is achieved.
  • According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), open defecation (OD) perpetuates a vicious cycle of disease and poverty, making sanitation and hygiene among the most important drivers of health, social and economic environments.
  • People from different sections of the society,from government officials to jawans, bollywood actors to the sportspersons, industrialists to spiritual leaders, have come forward and joined this mass movement of cleanliness.
  • With 38.70% rural sanitation coverage in 2014 before the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) began, India had one of the highest number of people in the world defecating in the open (53 crore).


  • To make ODF sustainable, monitoring ,spot-checking is required for at least one year after ODF status is achieved.
  • Motivating volunteers to check the condition of sanitation, and offering them good incentives is necessary.
  • For behavioural change of the society, a trained workforce is needed that can trigger communities.
  • To address the issue of over or under reporting of government set targets, verification of facts on the ground is extremely important, said Mr Surendra Singh.
  • Another problem is the presence of open ponds (water pools) in rural and semi-urban areas along road corridors. The ponds are used by people, livestock for various purposes. The poor quality of water in the ponds gives rise to diseases.
  • Despite a ban on manual scavenging, it continues at various places in the country,Unofficial figures reveal presence of 13 lakh manual scavengers; official figures are about two lakh.
  • Technology can play a key role in addressing this issue.
  • The working conditions of sewer workers are dangerous and hazardous. Every year about 22,000 workers die while cleaning sewers.
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