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Story of Usha Mehta and Congress Radio

  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 4 min read

Source: IE

Why in News?

The recent release of a film depicting the life of freedom fighter Usha Mehta resurfaces the importance of her historical contribution and sacrifice during the Quit India Movement.

What was the Role of Usha Mehta in Quit India Movement (QIM)?

  • About QIM:
    • Commencing on 8th August 1942, marked by Mahatma Gandhi's iconic speech with slogan Do or Die. The QIM symbolises mass civil disobedience, nationwide protests, and the establishment of parallel governance structures.
    • British authorities responded with mass arrests, detaining prominent leaders including Gandhi, Nehru, and Patel, thereby drastically reducing the movement's intensity.
  • About Usha Mehta:
    • Usha Mehta, then a 22-year-old law student, was galvanised by Gandhi's ideology, prompting her to forsake her studies and actively participate in the movement.
    • Recognising the efficacy of propagating information, Mehta conceived the notion of Congress Radio as a secretive means of communication.
  • Establishment of Congress Radio:
    • Facing the challenges of funding and technical expertise, Mehta, alongside associates such as Nariman Printer, endeavoured to establish Congress Radio.
    • Despite regulatory restrictions imposed by British authorities, the Printer's adeptness facilitated the creation of a functional transmitter, enabling Congress Radio's inaugural broadcast on 3rd September 1942.
  • Catalysing Independence Through Broadcasts:
    • Congress Radio swiftly emerged as a preeminent source of news for Indians, circumventing colonial censorship and disseminating crucial information regarding the movement's progress.
    • Beyond news broadcasting, the station aired political speeches and ideological messages, strengthening the people's dedication to gaining independence.
  • Legal Consequences and Mehta's Legacy:
    • The secretive operations of Congress Radio ultimately attracted the attention of British authorities, leading to the arrest and subsequent trial of Mehta and her associates.
    • Mehta, revered as "Radio-ben" for her pioneering efforts, continued to follow Gandhian principles post-independence, garnering national recognition, including the Padma Vibhushan in 1998.

Read More: Quit India Movement

UPSC Civil Services Examination Previous Year Question (PYQ)

Q. With reference to 8th August, 1942 in Indian history, which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) The Quit India Resolution was adopted by the AICC.
(b) The Viceroy’s Executive Council was expanded to include more Indians.
(c) The Congress ministries resigned in seven provinces.
(d) Cripps proposed an Indian Union with full Dominion Status once the Second World War was over.

Ans: (a)

Q. With reference to the Indian freedom struggle, consider the following events: (2017)

  1. Mutiny in the Royal Indian Navy
  2. Quit India Movement launched
  3. Second Round Table Conference

What is the correct chronological sequence of the above events?

(a) 1 – 2– 3 
(b) 2 – 1 – 3 
(c) 3 – 2 – 1
(d) 3 – 1 – 2

Ans: (c)

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