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Important Facts For Prelims

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

  • 21 May 2022
  • 2 min read

Why in News?

Recently, in a study it was found that the lower respiratory infections caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are more frequent in children under the age of five.

  • According to a report published by the Lancet, it is responsible for the death of 1,00,000 children in the world during the year 2019.

What is the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)?

  • About:
    • Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a common respiratory virus.
    • It is characterized by its highly contagious nature i.e., it has a high potential to infect people.
    • It exacerbated the seasonal lung infection.
    • It commonly infects children especially under 2 to 6 years of age.
    • In most of the cases it has symptoms like the common cold but in advanced stages it converts into phenumonia and bronchiolitis.
  • Key Findings:
    • In the year 2019, over 45000 infant fatalities under the age of six were reported.
    • One child out of every five RSV infected children died in the entire world.
    • Children six months and younger are most vulnerable to this virus.
    • According to the research, the annual incidence rate in India is 53 per 1,000 children (5.3%), with an estimated 61,86,500 cases of RSV associated with acute lower respiratory infection in children under the age of five.
      • RSV killed 97 percent of children under the age of five in low- and middle-income nations.

What is the Cure for Respiratory Syncytial Virus?

  • There is no reliable cure available for RSV infection.
  • Scientists, Government and concerning authority are promoting research and development in this domain to find out appropriate medicine and vaccination to save the life of infants and children.

Source: IE

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