NITISH Device | 05 Feb 2024

The Bihar State Disaster Management Authority has launched the Novel Initiative Technological Intervention for Safety of Humanlives (NITISH) device, an innovative pendant-shaped technology designed to provide timely alerts to farmers and the public, specifically targeting lightning, floods, heatwaves, and coldwaves.

  • The initiative was triggered by recurring deaths among farmers due to lightning and flash floods, emphasizing the device's role in saving lives.
  • The NITISH Device is introduced in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna.
  • The device is connected to the Bihar Meteorological Service Centre, ensuring real-time and accurate weather-related alerts.
  • The NITISH device will sound an alert to its users half an hour before lightning or flooding.
  • The pendant will get charged from body heat. The device will sound an alert in three ways: it will send voice messages; its colour will change from green to red; and the device will keep warming till its user switches it off.
  • Considering the challenges faced by farmers, the device is waterproof, ensuring durability and functionality in various weather conditions.

Read more: Emergency Alert System