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Important Facts For Prelims

Madhav National Park

  • 17 Feb 2020
  • 2 min read
  • Location: Madhav National Park is situated in Shivpuri District, Madhya Pradesh.
  • It is a part of the upper Vindhyan hills.
  • History: The Park was the hunting ground of Mughal emperors and Maharaja of Gwalior. It got the status of a National Park in 1959.
  • Ecosystem: It has a diverse ecosystem consisting of lakes, dry deciduous & dry thorn forests.
    • The forest is home to tigers, leopards, Nilgai, and Chinkara (Gazella bennettii) and Chousingha (Tetracerus quadricornis) and Deers (Chital, Sambar and Barking Deer) among others.
  • Tiger Corridor: The Park falls within one of the 32 major Tiger Corridors of the country, which are operationalised through the Tiger Conservation Plan. Tiger Conservation Plan is implemented under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
    • Madhav National Park is a part of the Ranthambhore-Kuno-Madhav (Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan) Tiger Corridor of Central India & Eastern Ghats landscape.
    • India’s tiger landscapes are: Shivalik Hills and Gangetic Plains, Central Indian Landscape and Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats, and North-East.
  • Conservation Issues: The Park is currently facing displacement and rehabilitation issues as it is home to Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG)s like Saharia.
    • PVTGs have some basic characteristics - they are mostly homogenous, with a small population, relatively physically isolated, absence of written language, relatively simple technology and a slower rate of change etc.
  • Other National Parks in Madhya Pradesh: Bandhavgarh, Kanha NP, Pench (Priyadarshini) NP, Panna NP, Mandla Plant Fossils NP, Sanjay NP, Satpura NP, Van Vihar NP

Source: TH

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