Little Prespa Lake | 07 Oct 2024

Source: TH

Little Prespa Lake, located on the Albanian-Greek border, is slowly drying up. 

  • The lake has deteriorated into a marshy watering hole, with most of its area now transformed into swamps or dried-up land. 
  • Little Prespa Lake faces environmental threats from climate change, characterised by rising temperatures, reduced snowfall, decreased precipitation and also diversion of the Devoll River for irrigation in the 1970s leading to significant water loss. 
  • About Lake Prespa: 
    • Lake Prespa is one of the oldest tectonic lakes in Europe. 
    • It is the highest tectonic lake on the Balkan Peninsula, located at an altitude of 853 metres.  
      • Balkan countries are countries located on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. It includes Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina 
    • It is made up of 2 lakes. 
      • Great Prespa Lake is located on the border of Albania, Greece, and North Macedonia 
      • Small Prespa Lake is located in Greece. 
    • The two Prespa lakes are located between two national parks located in three different countries. 
      • Prespa National Park is in Greece and Albania,  
      • Galicica National Park is in the Republic of Macedonia. 
    • The Galicica Mountains separate Lake Prespa from Lake Ohrid, one of the oldest and deepest lakes in Europe.

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