Lapis lazuli | 25 Mar 2025
Lapis lazuli, a metamorphic rock and semi-precious gemstone known for its deep blue color, symbolizes wealth, power, and status across ancient civilizations.
- Etymology: The name originates from Latin ("lapis" = stone) and Persian ("lazuli" = blue).
- Composition: The intense blue color comes from lazurite (25-40%), influenced by sulphur content. Presence of calcite reduces blueness, while pyrites add a golden shimmer.
- Major Sources: Though found in multiple countries like Chile, Russia, and the US, but the finest lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan’s Badakhshan province, where it has been mined for over 6,000 years.
- Significance in India: Traders in India imported lapis lazuli from Badakhshan as early as 1000 BC, with ornamental pieces found in Indus Valley sites like Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.
- Global Usage: Ancient Egyptians used it for jewelry and cosmetics, while Renaissance artists ground it into ultramarine pigment for paintings.
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