Israeli Military Seizes Rafah Border Crossing | 08 May 2024

Source: BS

The Israeli military seized control of the Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt and its tanks pushed into the southern Gazan town of Rafah after a night of air strikes on the Palestinian enclave.

  • The closure of the Rafah crossing hindered aid delivery to the Gaza Strip, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.
  • The Rafah crossing is the southernmost exit point from the Gaza Strip, and it shares a border with Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
    • The crossing is controlled by Egypt. It is the only exit that does not lead to Israeli territory.
  • There are two other border crossings in and out of Gaza are Erez in the north for people in Israel, and Kerem Shalom in the south for commercial goods.

Read more: Rafah Crossing