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Important Facts For Prelims

Important Facts for Prelims (12th October 2018)

  • 12 Oct 2018
  • 4 min read

Global Financial Stability Report-October 2018

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released its Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) that assesses the stability of global financial markets and emerging-market financing. It is released twice per year, in April and October.
  • The report analyses the key risks to global financial stability takes stock of the global regulatory reform agenda over the past decade and looks at whether the global financial ecosystem since the crisis (2008 financial crisis) has evolved in the intended direction.
  • GFSR-2018 says that a stronger dollar, higher credit spreads, weaker equity prices, and higher domestic interest rates have led to a tightening of financial conditions in recent months which may lead to the fall in inflows from emerging markets.
  • This drop in inflows will pose challenges to countries that rely heavily on external financing. In other words, financing India’s rising current account deficit is going to be challenging. It will also impact sovereign and corporate borrowers that are dependent on external financing.
  • According to the report, the broad regulatory agenda set by the international community has helped strengthen the global banking system.
  • However, it has warned that the regulators and supervisors must remain attentive to new risks, including possible threats to financial stability stemming from cybersecurity, financial technology, and other institutions or activities outside the perimeter of prudential regulation.

Black leopard In Tadoba Andheri Forest Reserve

  • The black leopard, seen in Tadoba Reserve, is the melanistic color variant of Indian leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) which is subspecies of leopard native to Indian Sub-continent.
  • Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I
  • CITES Appendix I
  • IUCN Red List: Near Threatened
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
  • Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is located in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra state, India.
  • It is Maharashtra's oldest and largest national park.
  • It is one of India's 50 "Project Tiger" - Tiger reserves.
  • Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve was established as second Tiger Reserve in the Maharashtra State, in 1994-95
  • It represents Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Teak Forests in the Tiger habitat and viable tiger population of more than 40 tigers.

India - Indonesia Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT)

  • Indian Naval ships and aircraft are participating in the 32nd edition of India – Indonesia coordinated patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT) in Indonesia.
  • The ships and aircraft from both the countries would undertake patrolling on the respective sides of 236 nautical miles long International Maritime Boundary Line.
  • The patrol seeks to emphasize India’s peaceful presence and solidarity with friendly countries towards ensuring good order in the maritime domain, consolidate interoperability and strengthen existing bonds of friendship between the two countries.
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