Impact of Wind Turbines on Forest Bats | 12 Jan 2024

A recent study conducted by scientists from Germany, has revealed the impact of wind turbines on the activity of forest bats.

  • Three foraging groups of bat species were studied: narrow-space, open-space(hunt in open areas with few obstacles), and edge-space(specialized on hunting prey close to background objects), within a radius of 80 to 450 meters under variable wind conditions.
  • Narrow-space foraging bats, which are particularly reliant on forest habitat, showed a 77% decline in activity as wind speed increased in operational wind turbines.
    • The avoidance behavior was not observed in edge-space and open-space foraging bats, indicating a habitat-specific response.
    • The noise emitted by wind turbine rotors was identified as a significant cause of the avoidance behavior.
  • Wind turbines, a key element in national climate strategies, are increasingly erected in forest sites worldwide, posing potential challenges to bat populations.
  • The study, initially focusing on short-term impacts, suggests potential long-term effects on bat activity near operational wind turbines, particularly if noise emissions are the cause.

Read more: Bamboo-Dwelling Bat