HelpAge India Report | 19 Jun 2024

Source: TH

HelpAge India's report, "Ageing in India: Exploring Preparedness & Response to Care Challenges," was recently released to commemorate 'World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)' on 15th June, 2024.

  • Key findings from the report include:
Findings  Details 
Illiteracy and Income Sources Around 40%, who are illiterate reported not having access to any income sources, compared to 29% of literate respondents.
Elder Abuse 7% faced elder abuse, with no variation across gender and age groups.
Work Participation Only 15% of elderly persons reported currently working (24% males, 7% females). 
Social Security Only 29% reported having access to social security schemes
Income Levels 32% had an annual income below Rs 50,000, and 1 in 3 elders reported no income in the past year.
  • WEAAD was officially recognised by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 66/127 in 2011
    • Theme for 2024 is Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies.
    • The aim is to raise awareness about the plight of elderly people who are abused and harmed.

Read more: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, No Age Bar for Health Insurance in India