Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) | 09 Sep 2024

Source: ET

Recently, the Financial Stability and Development Council's (FSDC) sub-committee, chaired by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor convened to review significant global and domestic macroeconomic and financial developments.

  • It focused on inter-regulatory coordination and assessed potential risks to financial stability in light of emerging challenges such as global spillovers, cyber hazards, and climate change.
  • About FSDC:
  • FSDC Sub-Committee:
    • The FSDC is supported by a Sub-Committee (FSDC-SC), set up under the chairmanship of the Governor of RBI. It meets more often than the full FSDC.
    • It includes all FSDC members, four RBI Deputy Governors, and the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) Additional Secretary.