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Digital Highways

  • 20 Apr 2023
  • 4 min read

Why in News?

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has announced its plan to develop around 10,000 km of Optic Fibre Cable (OFC) infrastructure across the country by the fiscal year 2025.

What is OFC?

  • About:
    • Fiber-optic cables are like tubes that hold tiny wires made of glass or plastic. They use light to send information much faster than regular wires that use electricity.
    • Metal wires are preferred for transmission in optical fibre communication as signals travel with less damage.
      • The optical fiber works on the principle of total internal reflection (TIR).
        • TIR is the complete reflection of a ray of light within a medium such as water or glass from the surrounding surfaces back into the medium.  
    • Light rays can be used to transmit a huge amount of data (In case of long straight wire without any bend).
      • In case of a bend, the optical cables are designed such that they bend all the light rays inwards (using TIR).

  • Development of OFC Network:
    • The OFC network will be developed by the National Highways Logistics Management Limited (NHLML), a fully owned special purpose vehicle (SPV) of NHAI.
    • It will implement the network of Digital Highways by developing integrated utility corridors along the National Highways to develop OFC infrastructure.
    • NHAI has identified around 1,367 km on Delhi-Mumbai Expressway and 512 km on Hyderabad-Bangalore Corridor as pilot routes for the Digital Highway development. Providing internet connectivity to remote locations across the country, the OFC network will help to expedite the rollout of new-age telecom technologies like 5G & 6G

What are Digital Highways?

  • Digital Highways or Roads are digital platforms that offer shared public and private services. They utilize data, technology, and connectivity to improve the Strategic Road Network (SRN) in terms of design, construction, operation, and usage. This will result in safer travel, quicker deliveries, and better experiences for all.

What is National Highways Authority of India?

  • About: NHAI was set up under the NHAI Act, 1988.
  • Objective: It has been entrusted with the National Highways Development Project (NHDP), along with other minor projects for development, maintenance and management.
    • NHDP is a project to upgrade, rehabilitate and widen major highways in India to a higher standard. The project was started in 1998.
  • Vision: To meet the nation’s need for the provision and maintenance of National Highways network to global standards and to meet user’s expectations in the most time bound and cost-effective manner and promote economic wellbeing and quality of life of the people.

Source: PIB

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