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Consanguinity Marriage and Inbreeding

  • 26 Nov 2024
  • 2 min read

Source: TH

In Uppada coast villages in Andhra Pradesh, consanguineous marriages are causing conditions like cerebral palsy, Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM), albinism, and other deformities.

  • A consanguineous marriage is a union between two people who are related by blood, usually as second cousins or closer.
    • It is different from incestuous marriages (a marriage between direct descendants like between father and daughter, mother and son, brother and sister).
  • Practices like the ‘Voni’ promise, an oral agreement made at a girl’s birth, enforce consanguinity in the above case.
  • Inbreeding is the genetic outcome of consanguineous marriage. Inbreeding increases the degree of homozygosity to the offspring and also the expression of recessive traits.
    • In homozygosity, an individual inherits the same alleles for a particular gene from both parents leading to genetic disorders.
      • Alleles are different versions of the same gene. E.g., the gene for eye colour may have alleles for blue, brown, or green eyes.
  • Inbreeding increases the genetic load. Genetic load measures the rate of damage caused by the presence of certain deleterious or disadvantaged genes in the population.
  • The Hindu Marriage Act prohibits Sapindas marriage between two Hindus unless there is an established custom.
    • A sapinda marriage involves individuals who share a specific degree of familial closeness.


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