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Cloud Chamber Under Mission Mausam

  • 24 Oct 2024
  • 2 min read

Source: IE

India plans to establish a cloud chamber at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune as part of Mission Mausam. 

  • It will enable detailed studies of cloud formation and behaviour, particularly relevant to Indian monsoon conditions. 
  • The cloud chamber is a closed cylindrical drum where water vapour and aerosols are injected.  
    • Under controlled humidity and temperature, the chamber allows scientists to study seed particles that contribute to cloud droplets and ice particles. 
  • India’s cloud chamber will have convection properties to gain a better understanding of cloud physics under conditions commonly affecting Indian weather systems. 
  • India has prior experience with cloud seeding, notably through the Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX). 
    • CAIPEEX has shown that rainfall could increase by up to 46% (±13%) at some locations on an average and about 18% (±2.6%) over a 100 square kilometre area in the rain shadow region. 
  • Mission Mausam aims to enhance weather forecasting and manage specific weather events in India like enhancing or suppressing rainfall, hail, fog, and lightning strikes.

Read More: Cloud Seeding 

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