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China’s High Energy Photon Source

  • 18 May 2024
  • 4 min read

Source: TOI

Why in News?

China is on the brink of a major scientific breakthrough with the construction of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a state-of-the-art fourth-generation synchrotron light source.

  • This development places China among a select group of nations capable of producing some of the brightest X-rays in the world.


  • A synchrotron is a large circular machine the size of a football field that produces intense beams of light using high-energy electrons forced to travel in a circular orbit inside tunnels with strong magnetic fields.
    • The light is used to reveal the innermost secrets of materials, leading to advancements in medicine, agriculture, and materials science.

What is the HEPS Facility?

  • About:
    • The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) located approximately Huairou, this facility is designed to accelerate electrons up to energies of 6 giga electron volts within its 1.36-kilometer circumference storage ring.
  • Key Features of HEPS:
    • HEPS will produce high-energy X-rays that can penetrate deep into samples, revealing intricate details at the nanometer scale.
    • Technical Specifications:
      • Electron Acceleration: Up to 6 gigaelectron volts.
      • Time Resolution: 10,000 times better than third-generation synchrotrons, enabling measurements in nanoseconds.
      • Beamlines: 14 initially, with the capacity to expand up to 90.
    • Scientific Impact:
      • Nanometre-Scale Probing: Ability to study molecular and atomic structures in real time.
        • Can analyse minuscule samples, including small protein crystals that are challenging for older synchrotrons.
      • Broad Applications: Will benefit fields such as biomedicine, energy, advanced materials, and condensed-matter physics.
      • Faster Experimentation: Experiments that took days at older facilities can now be completed rapidly.
  • Challenges:
    • Beam Stability: Ensuring the X-ray beam is stable enough for practical use requires meticulous, step-by-step adjustments.
    • Technical Precision: The process of fine-tuning thousands of components is critical to maintaining the light’s brightness and stability.

How does HEPS Compare to Other Synchrotrons?

  • Current Status in China: HEPS will surpass the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, China’s most advanced existing synchrotron.
  • Global Context: Joins the ranks of only a few fourth-generation synchrotron facilities worldwide, including:
    • MAX IV Laboratory (Lund, Sweden), Sirius (Campinas, Brazil), Extremely Brilliant Source (Grenoble, France), and Advanced Photon Source (Lemont, Illinois).
  • Synchrotrons in India:
    • India has two synchrotron radiation sources at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) in Indore.
      • Indus-1:
        • A 450 MeV source that has been operating since 1999 and emits in the soft x-ray and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) regions.
      • Indus-2:
        • Indus-2 is an indigenously built third generation Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) with 2.5 GeV energy and 200 mA beam current, operating at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore.
        • It has a provision of 21 beamlines based on bending magnets and additional 5 beamlines based on insertion devices.
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