It is a small-sized bird (14-15 cms) and it breeds across the Himalayan Range.
It occurs almost throughout Europe, Asia and in the portions of Africa and breed in the high altitude areas of Kashmir, Ladakh, Tibet and the Central Himalayan Range.
In India, the bird sticks to areas near wetlands, open cultivation, scrubs, gardens and orchards.
The bird has two races:
P. phoenicuroides (in Western Himalayas)
P. Rufiventris (in Central and Eastern Himalayas)
The primary difference between them is that the male of the former has a grey crown, nape and lower back while the latter ones are much darker.
Both sexes display a bright rufous-orange tail which is best seen when they fly or flash it open while shivering their tails, justifying the name Redstart (steort means ‘tail’ in proto-Germanic language).