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Important Facts For Prelims

Australia’s Indigenous People

  • 21 Oct 2023
  • 3 min read

Source: TH

Why in News?

Recently, the Proponents for constitutional change in Australia and creating an Indigenous Committee conceded defeat in a referendum that aimed to create an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

  • The referendum required majorities in at least four of the six Australian states, as well as a national majority, to pass.
  • The proposed referendum sought to amend Australia's Constitution to officially recognize the First Peoples of Australia, which includes both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Who are Indigenous Australians or Aboriginals?

  • About:
    • Indigenous Australians are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia, descended from groups that existed in Australia and surrounding islands prior to European colonization.
    • Indigenous Australians are the original inhabitants of the continent, with a history dating back at least 45,000 years. However, European colonization in the 18th century had severe and lasting impacts on these communities.
    • These communities account for only 3.8% of the Australian Population.

  • Diversity:
    • In present-day Australia these groups are further divided into local communities. At the time of initial European settlement, over 250 languages were spoken; it is currently estimated that 120 to 145 of these remain in use, but only 13 of these are not considered endangered.
  • Past Wrongs and Threats:
    • Historical policies, such as the forced removal of indigenous children (Stolen Generations), land dispossession, and discrimination, have resulted in social and economic disparities.
    • Indigenous Australians often face lower life expectancy, higher rates of disease, and inadequate access to education and other services.
  • Australian Efforts and Recognition:
    • Australia has taken steps to address historical injustices, such as the "Bringing Them Home" report, which recognized and apologized for the Stolen Generations.
    • National inquiries and apologies have sought to acknowledge past wrongs.
    • Voting rights were granted to indigenous Australians in 1962, and the High Court's 1992 Mabo decision recognized native title over certain lands.
    • Since 1995, the Australian Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag have been among the official flags of Australia.
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