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Adoption of Self-Driving Cars

  • 03 Nov 2022
  • 4 min read

For Mains: The Moral Dilemmas Faced by Self-Driving Cars

Why in News?

In a series of lawsuits and a criminal case arising out of fatal Tesla accidents, Tesla faces its biggest challenge since launching Autopilot in 2015.

What are the Moral Dilemmas Self-Driving Cars Face?

  • Predetermined Decisions:
    • Self-driving cars are basically robots that have been programmed using algorithms. So, they are most likely to follow set rules or patterns in all cases.
  • Giving Control to the Driver:
    • One of the biggest dilemmas of self-driving cars is whether it would be right to hand over the control to the driver at the last instant.
    • This will not only raise a question about the ethics of self-driving cars but also about the ethics of the driver.
  • Rightful Deciders of the Ethics of Self-Driving Cars:
    • There is a debate about who should decide the ethics of self-driving cars, according to some.
    • It can be argued that no one is the right owner to decide the ethics of self-driving cases. The decision must lie in the hands of the driver of the car.
  • Program the Car to Make an Impartial Decision:
    • Some also argue that the best way for a self-driving car is to make an impartial decision in case of accidents.
    • They must not discriminate between humans based on age, gender, or other parameters. They should always make the decision that causes the least impact.
  • The Hacking Dilemma:
    • There is always a risk of a cyber-criminal hacking into the car’s system to gain access to sensitive data or to carry out a misdeed.
    • For example, what if the autonomous car is hacked by a cybercriminal and commanded to carry out an accident to implicate the driver?

What are Self Driving Cars or Autonomous Cars?

  • About:
    • An autonomous car is a vehicle capable of sensing its environment and operating without human involvement.
    • A human passenger is not required to take control of the vehicle at any time, nor is a human passenger required to be present in the vehicle at all.
    • An autonomous car can go anywhere a traditional car goes and do everything that an experienced human driver does.
  • Benefits:
    • Reduce traffic congestion
    • Cut transportation costs by 40%
    • Improve walkability and livability
    • Free up parking lots for other uses
    • Reduce urban CO2 emissions by 80% worldwide

Way Forward

As the debate around the topic intensifies due to the increasing adoption of self-driving cars, it is hoped that strict laws and regulations will be developed that can finally answer the questions in a correct, justifiable manner.

Source: TH

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