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Workshop on Gross Domestic Knowledge Product (GDKP)

  • 14 Feb 2019
  • 2 min read
  • Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata held a one-day workshop on the emerging area of Gross Domestic Knowledge Product (GDKP).

Gross Domestic Knowledge Product

  • The idea of GDKP was propounded by Prof. Umberto Sulpasso of the University of Southern California.
  • The Gross Domestic Knowledge Product (GDKP) measures a nation’s growth and future through four basic pillars:
    • Knowledge items (Ki) - identification of both modern and local distinct culture knowledge items in distinct categories.
    • Country’s Knowledge Producing Matrix (CKPM) - comparison of knowledge produced by government, private institutions, and households as a differentiated way to impact on the GDP.
    • Country’s Knowledge User Matrix (CKUM) – the value of knowledge bought by individuals and private companies as a way to measure their modernization efforts.
    • Cost of Learning – similar to the cost of living to be used as a political reference for government budgeting decisions through education family bonds, education credit card etc. to support young citizens.

GDKP for India

  • GDKP will allow calculation of the value of specific knowledge items related to national culture produced and how these items change over time.
    • In India, for examples, these specific knowledge items include the proliferation of cultural and religious teaching (yoga, Veda, and dance schools), religious festivals, and harvest festivals.
  • GDKP can also facilitate the creation of a National Knowledge Education Platform. It will also enhance GDP and the proper role of private investment with direct benefits to the Indian economy like software, publishing etc.
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