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International Relations

Ujh Multipurpose Project

  • 04 Feb 2020
  • 2 min read
  • Ujh Multipurpose Project is planned to fast track utilization of India's rights under Indus Waters Treaty.
    • The project will enhance the utilization of waters of Eastern Rivers allotted to India as per the Indus Water Treaty.
  • Location: The project is planned to be constructed in Kathua District of Jammu & Kashmir on the River Ujh.
    • Ujh is a tributary of the Ravi river.

Indus Waters Treaty

  • The Indus system comprises the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. The basin is shared by India and Pakistan.
  • Under the Indus Waters Treaty signed between India and Pakistan in 1960, the waters of three rivers, namely Ravi, Sutlej and Beas (Eastern Rivers) shall be available for the unrestricted use of India.
    • While, the waters of Western rivers - Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab were allocated to Pakistan except for specified domestic, non-consumptive and agricultural use permitted to India as provided in the Treaty.
    • India has also been given the right to generate hydroelectricity through run of the river (RoR) projects on the Western Rivers which, subject to specific criteria for design and operation is unrestricted.
    • India is also allowed to use 20% of water from Indus, Chenab and Jhelum (Western rivers) for irrigation, power generation and transport purposes.
  • This is a unique treaty involving a third party since it was brokered by the World Bank.
  • A Permanent Indus Commission was set up as a bilateral commission to implement and manage the Treaty.
    • The Commission solves disputes arising over water sharing.
    • The Treaty also provides an arbitration mechanism to solve disputes amicably.

Source: PIB

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