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News Analysis

Important Facts For Prelims

Solomon Islands and Taiwan

  • 17 Sep 2019
  • 1 min read

The Solomon Islands’ government has cut official ties with Taiwan and is switching diplomatic allegiance to China.

  • This is line with ‘One China’ principle.
    • China considers Taiwan to be part of its territory and wants to bring the island back into its fold. 
    • Taiwan split from mainland China during a civil war in 1949 and set up a rival government.
  • Now only 16 countries worldwide continue to recognise Taiwan as an independent state. India is not among the sixteen countries.
    • With a population of 660,000, the Solomon Islands were easily Taiwan’s largest remaining ally in the Pacific. Its economy relies on agriculture, fishing and forestry, and the country has a wealth of undeveloped mineral resources.
    • The Solomon Islands are located directly between Australia and the U.S. and was the site of fierce battles during World War II.
    • Its capital is Honiara.

Source: TH

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