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News Analysis

Important Facts For Prelims

Shigmotsav: Goa

  • 25 Mar 2021
  • 3 min read

Why in News

The Goa government has limited the Shigmotsav (Shigmo festivities) parades to three locations only (Panaji, Ponda and Mapusa), owing to rising cases of Covid-19 in the state.

Key Points

  • About:
    • Shigmo is the celebration of a ‘rich, golden harvest of paddy’ by the tribal communities of Goa.
    • Agricultural communities including the Kunbis, Gawdas and Velips celebrate the festival that also marks the onset of spring.
  • Two Variants of the Festival:
    • Dhakto Shigmo: It is celebrated by the rural population, farmers and the labour class.
    • Vhadlo Shigmo: It is of greater importance and is celebrated by everyone.
  • Celebrations:
    • Time:
      • Shigmo celebrations last over a fortnight in the months of Phalgun-Chaitra months of the Hindu calendar that correspond with March-April every year.
    • Invocation of Deities:
      • The festival begins with ‘Naman’ that is the invocation of the local folk deities on the village ‘maand’ or the village stage to the beats of percussion instruments like the Ghumat, Dhol, Mhadle and Tashe by the male folk.
        • It is called the ‘romta mell’ that moves from one village to another.
    • Dances:
      • Folk dances like Ghode Modni (a dance of equestrian warriors), Gopha and Phugadi.
    • Shigmo Street Parade:
      • Shigmo street parade floats as the highlight. It is held as an annual affair in the state capital, Panjim and other major cities like Margao, Mapusa, Vasco, and Ponda.
      • These colour-parties usually see people dressed in vibrant clothing performing traditional folk dances to depict the historical legacy of the Maratha War that backs this festival.
      • The float parades have, over the years, been a draw for tourists both domestic and international.
  • Other Names:
    • Shigmo is celebrated all over India but in different names:
      • North India - Holi.
      • Assam and Bengal - Dolyatra.
      • South India - Kamadahan.
      • Maharashtra - Shimga.

Source: IE

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