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Science & Technology

SATYAM: Yoga Against Viruses

  • 13 Apr 2020
  • 5 min read

Why in News

Recently, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) has initiated the Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation (SATYAM) programme.

  • Under SATYAM, DST has invited proposals to study appropriate intervention of yoga and meditation in fighting Covid-19 and similar kinds of viruses.

Key Points

  • Objective: DST is encouraging scientists, clinicians and experienced practitioners of yoga and meditation, with a proven track record, to submit concept notes on the proposal covering:
    • Aims and objectives of proposed work.
    • Existing literature.
    • Methodology.
    • Expected outcome.
    • Budget requirement.
    • Details of host institutions along with detailed bio-data of the principal investigator with latest publications included in scientific journal databases.
  • Aim:
    • To provide assistance to society in today’s critical condition arising due to pandemic Covid-19.
      • This is a need-based call, therefore, proposed work should be completed within 6-12 months.
  • Dimensions of Covid: Covid-19 usually has three dimensions, related to:
    • Stress (worry, sitting at home).
    • Respiratory.
    • Immune system.
  • Scientific Investigation: The effects of yoga and meditation on the life of a person during such stressful times have to be scientifically investigated.
    • Sometimes, there is an empirical correlation in the actions and the outcome, but it needs to be understood scientifically.
  • Modern Tools: All the participants are expected to work together using the modern tools of life science and bio-sciences to understand what works and what does not.
    • If something works then what is the efficacy and in what conditions does it work.
  • Holistic Target: The project may address improving immunity, improving respiratory systems and interventions to overcome respiratory disorders and other dimensions like stress, anxiety and depression-related issues due to isolation, uncertainty and disruption in normal life.

Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation Programme

  • It was conceptualized in 2015 by the DST under its Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI).
  • Aims: To foster scientific research on the effects of yoga and meditation on physical & mental health and on cognitive functioning in healthy people as well as in patients with disorders.
  • Themes:
    • Investigations on the effect of Yoga and Meditation on physical and mental health and well being.
    • Investigations on the effect of Yoga and Meditation on the body, brain, and mind in terms of basic processes and mechanisms.
  • Eligibility:
    • Scientists/academicians with research background in ‘Yoga and Meditation’ and having regular positions are invited to participate in this initiative.
    • Practitioners actively involved in yoga and meditation practices are also encouraged to apply in collaboration with academic and research institutions of repute.
  • Project Duration: The project is tenable for a maximum period of three years.

Cognitive Science Research Initiative

  • DST initiated this as a highly focused programme in 2008 during the 11th Five year plan.
  • The DSRI facilitates a platform to the scientific community to work for better solutions of challenges related with cognitive disorders and social issues through various psychological tools & batteries, early diagnosis & better therapies, intervention technologies and rehabilitation programmes.
  • Aim:
    • To foster scientific research in the interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Science for better understanding of Indian mind sets, languages and cognitive disorders etc.
  • CSRI revolutionizes research in various fields, such as:
    • Nature and origins of mental disorders, of physiological, social and neuro-chemical origins.
    • Design of better learning tools and educational paradigm.
    • Design of better software technologies and artificial intelligence devices.
    • Streamlining of social policy formulation and analysis.
  • Activities Supported under CSRI:
    • Individual R&D Projects.
    • Multi-centric Mega Projects.
    • Post Doctoral Fellowship.
    • Support for Schools, Training, Workshops, Conferences, etc.

Source: TH

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