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Important Facts For Prelims

Palau Joins ISA

  • 19 Jul 2019
  • 1 min read

Palau became the 76th country to sign the International Solar Alliance framework agreement.

  • Palau will host the 2020 edition of the ‘Our Oceans conference’, ( based on the concept of partnership - “big brothers working with small brothers to address sustainable development issues”) which will focus on issues such as climate change, sustainable fisheries and marine pollution.
  • The ISA was jointly launched by India and France at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris on November 2015.
  • The First Assembly of the ISA was held in New Delhi in 2018.


  • Palau, is a country in the western pacific Ocean that consists of coral and volcanic islands surrounded by single barrier reef.
  • Palau lies in the southwest corner of Micronesia ( country spread across the western Pacific Ocean comprising more than 600 islands), with New Guinea to the south, and the Philippines to the west.
  • Its major populated islands are Babelthuap (Babeldaob), Koror, Malakal, Arakabesan, and Peleliu.
  • There is concern that the low-lying islands could be badly affected by rising sea levels possibly due to climate change.

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