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Important Facts For Prelims

Most Innovative Universities in the Asia-Pacific

  • 27 Jun 2019
  • 1 min read

The Reuters' list of the most innovative universities in Asia Pacific includes the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) from India. The universities are ranked on the basis of innovation.

  • Compared to last year, IITs have slipped four places to finish last in the list of 75 institutions dominated by China and topped by South Korea.
  • Despite boasting the world’s second-largest population and being one of the largest economies, only one Indian university makes it to the list i.e. IIT’s.
    • IIT is a network of 23 universities which centralizes its patent administration, so it’s not always possible to identify which constituent university was responsible for what research. As a result, Reuters ranked the entire system as opposed to individual universities.
    • World-class campuses like IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay may have ranked much higher on the list if they weren’t grouped in with smaller and newer institutes like IIT Tirupati and IIT Palakkad.
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