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News Analysis

Important Facts For Prelims

Malware Smominru

  • 10 Oct 2019
  • 2 min read

Malware Smominru, whose incidence was first reported in 2017, continues to infect computers in a big way.

  • It is affecting nearly 4,700 computers every day, with over 90,000 computers affected globally in August 2019.
  • The botnet relies on more than 20 dedicated servers, mostly located in the US, though some are hosted in Malaysia and Bulgaria.
  • In its post-infection phase, it steals victim credentials, installs a Trojan module and a cryptominer and propagates inside the network.
  • The malware seems to have the ability to come back to hit the old victims if they fail to tackle the problem completely. About one-fourth of the affected machines were infected again after Smominru was removed from them.
  • The victims range from universities to healthcare providers suggesting that hackers are not too particular about their targets.
    • However, about 85% of infections have occurred on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 systems.
    • The objective seems to silently use infected computers for mining cryptocurrency at the victim’s expense.
  • China, Taiwan, Russia, Brazil and the US have seen the most attacks.


  • Malware: Short for malicious software, it refers to any kind of software that is designed to cause damage to a single computer, server, or computer network. Ransomware, Spy ware, Worms, viruses, and Trojans are all varieties of malware.
  • Botnet: The word Botnet is formed from the words ‘robot’ and ‘network’. It is a network of infected computers that can be controlled remotely, forcing them to send spam, spread viruses, or stage Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks without the consent of the computer's’ owners.

Source: HBL

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