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News Analysis

Important Facts For Prelims

Integrated Battle Groups

  • 14 May 2020
  • 2 min read

Why in News

Recently, the Army chief said that a comprehensive testing of the Integrated Battle Groups (IBGs) has concluded but its roll out has been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Key Points

  • IBGs are brigade sized agile self-sufficient combat formations which can swiftly launch strikes against adversaries.
    • IBGs can be mobilised within 12-48 hours based on the location.
  • Each IBG would be organised on the basis of Threat, Terrain and Task and resources to each battle group will be allocated on the basis of 3Ts.
    • For example, the composition of every IBG would differ on the basis of the terrain where it is located i.e. an IBG operating in a desert needs to be constituted differently from one operating in the mountains.
  • Each IBG will be headed by a Major General.
  • The integrated units for the border will be all-encompassing, with artillery, armoured, combat engineers and signal units.
  • IBGs have been classified into- Defensive and Offensive.
    • Defensive IBGs would hold ground at vulnerable points or where enemy action is expected.
    • Offensive IBGs have the ability to quickly mobilise and make thrust into enemy territory for strikes.
  • After years of deliberations, the Army decided to raise the IBGs along the borders with China and Pakistan that will help it carry out swift strikes in case of a war.

Source: TH

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