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Important Facts For Prelims

Important Facts for Prelims (20th September 2018)

  • 20 Sep 2018
  • 4 min read

Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP)

  • The Government has approved the revised cost estimate of the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP), along with a two-year time extension from 2018 to 2020, for the completion of the project.
  • Project was started in 2012 and was scheduled to be completed in 2018.
  • The Govt. has taken up DRIP for the repair and rehabilitation of dam projects across the seven states of India, namely Jharkhand (Damodar Valley Corporation), Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Uttarakhand.
  • It is an externally-aided project. 80% of the total project cost is provided by the World Bank as loan/credit and remaining 20% is borne by the States / Central Government.
  • The objectives of DRIP are to improve the safety and operational performance of selected existing dams and associated accessories in a sustainable manner, and to strengthen the dam safety institutional setup of participating States / Implementing Agencies.
  • It also aims at ensuring the safety of downstream population and property that are affected in the case of a dam failure or operational failure.

H1N1 flu

  • H1N1 flu is caused by a influenza A virus. The letters H and N in the subtype name stand for proteins found on the surface of the virus, which are used to distinguish between different influenza A subtypes.
  • It's also called swine flu because in the past, the people who caught it had direct contact with pigs.That changed several years ago, when a new virus emerged that spread among people who hadn't been near pigs.
  • The H1N1 flu virus is made up of genes from flu viruses that normally cause influenza in pigs, birds, and humans.
  • In 2009, H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the World Health Organization called it a pandemic.
  • Swine flu viruses may mutate (change) so that they are easily transmissible among humans.
  • H1N1 flu virus is contagious. Person-to-person transmission of H1N1 flu virus occurs, and the virus is easily spread among people.

Atal  Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna

  • Taking cognizance of lack of long-term jobs, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has rolled out a scheme named “ATAL BIMIT VYAKTI KALYAN YOJNA”  to financially support those who lost their jobs due to changing employment pattern.
  • The Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), approved 'Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna' for insured persons covered under the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948.
  • As the current scenario of employment in India which has transformed from a long-term employment to fixed short-term engagement in the form of contract and temporary jobs, this scheme is a relief payable in cash directly to their Bank Account in case of unemployment and while they search for new engagement.

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