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Indian Polity

Gujarat-Madhya Pradesh Tussle over the Narmada

  • 09 Aug 2019
  • 2 min read

Recently, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat have engaged in a tussle over the sharing of Narmada river waters.

What is the Controversy?

  • Madhya Pradesh has threatened to restrict the flow of water into the Sardar Sarovar Dam, located in Gujarat.
  • The Sardar Sarovar Project includes two powerhouses, the River Bed Power House (RBPH; 1,200 MW) and the Canal Head Power House (250 MW).
    • Power is shared among Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat in a 57:27:16 ratio.
    • The RBPH has been shut since 2017, Gujarat has sought that generation should not start until the water reaches the full reservoir level (FRL).
  • Gujarat’s view is that its share of 9 MAF (million-acre feet) water in a normal monsoon year is insufficient to generate power as drinking water and irrigation are priorities.
  • Gujarat has also argued that reaching the FRL is necessary for testing whether the increased height of the dam can withstand the thrust at that level.
  • In light of this Narmada Control Authority has granted the permission not to start generation at a powerhouse until the dam fills to its full level.
  • Madhya Pradesh is discontented by frequent power outages and has refused to release the surplus share for power generation and to allow the dam to be tested at FRL.

Sardar Sarovar Project

  • The Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) is a gravity dam on the Narmada River crossing Gujarat in India.
  • It involves a series of large irrigation and hydroelectric multi-purpose dams.
  • The project took form in 1979 as part of a development scheme to increase irrigation and produce hydroelectricity.
  • The hydroelectric power of the SSP is to be shared by the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh; the irrigation benefits would accrue to the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Source: IE

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