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GI Tags to Two Products

  • 01 May 2020
  • 3 min read

Why in News

Recently, Chak-Hao, the black rice of Manipur and the Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) terracotta have bagged the Geographical Indication (GI) tag.

Key Points

  • Chak-Hao:
    • Chak-Hao is a scented glutinous (sticky) rice which has been in cultivation in Manipur over centuries, and is characterised by its special aroma.
    • The rice is black in colour and takes the longest cooking time of 40-45 minutes due to the presence of a fibrous bran layer and higher crude fibre content.
    • It is normally eaten during community feasts and is served as Chak-Hao kheer.
    • Chak-Hao has also been used by traditional medical practitioners as part of traditional medicine.
  • Gorakhpur terracotta:
    • The terracotta work of Gorakhpur is a centuries-old traditional art form.
    • The entire work is done with bare hands.
    • The clay used in the terracotta products is ‘Kabis’ clay which is found in the ponds of Aurangabad, Bharwalia and Budhadih village areas.
      • Also, such clay is found only in the months of May and June, as for the rest of the year, the ponds are filled with water.
    • The potters do not use any colour, they only dip the clay structure in a mixture of soda and mango tree barks, and bake it.
      • The red colour of terracotta does not fade for years.
    • Major products of craftsmanship include the Hauda elephants, Mahawatdar horse, deer, camel, five-faced Ganesha, single-faced Ganesha, elephant table, chandeliers, hanging bells etc.

Geographical Indication (GI)

  • It is an insignia on products having a unique geographical origin and evolution over centuries with regard to its special quality or reputed attributes.
  • It is a mark of authenticity and ensures that registered authorized users or at least those residing inside the geographic territory are allowed to use the popular product names.
  • GI tag in India is governed by Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999. It is issued by the Geographical Indications Registry (Chennai).

Benefits of GI Tag

  • It provides legal protection to Indian Geographical Indications thus preventing unauthorized use of the registered GIs by others.
  • It promotes economic prosperity of producers of goods produced in a geographical territory.
  • The GI protection in India leads to recognition of the product in other countries thus boosting exports.

Source: TH

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