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Science & Technology

Flood Hazard Atlas

  • 24 Jun 2019
  • 2 min read

Odisha has released a unique flood hazard atlas on the basis of historic flood inundation captured through satellite imagery over the period from 2001 to 2018.

  • Flooding in Odisha: Vast areas of the state are inundated when there is flooding every year in major rivers like the Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani, Subarnarekha and Rushikulya.
    • Some of the rivers like the Vamsadhara and Budhabalanga, also cause flash floods due to instant run-off from their hilly catchments.

Flood Hazard Atlas

Benefits of Flood Hazard Atlas

  • Better preparedness: A more concise focus on the effects and impacts of the flooded area is possible during the early planning stages.
  • Risk reduction or mitigation techniques can be recommended for the same portion of the study area.
    • Location, severity, or frequency of hazard can be done more easily.
  • Proper assessment of area: A study area or a sub-area can be expanded, reduced, or deleted. Study areas can be divided into sub-areas requiring more information, additional assessments, or specific reduction techniques.
  • Risk evaluation: A more realistic evaluation of risks to new development is possible. Appropriate hazard reduction techniques can be more easily developed to deal with an emergency situation.
  • Rehabilitation planning: It could be initiated in advance with proper coordination among different central and state agencies.
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