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Fish Samples Test Positive for Formalin

  • 09 Jul 2018
  • 1 min read

Recently, samples of fish species from two major fish markets in Chennai (TN) have tested positive for formalin, a cancer-inducing chemical used illegally to preserve fish.

What is Formalin?

  • Formalin is a colourless strong-smelling chemical substance usually used in the industry of textiles, plastics, papers, paint, construction, and well known to preserve the human corpse. It is derived from formaldehyde gas dissolved in water.
  • Formalin or formaldehyde is sprayed on the fish or injected into the fish or the fish is dipped into the solution. This helps keep the fish fresh for a longer time.
  • Formalin causes irritation in the eyes, throat, skin, and stomach. In the long run, continued exposure causes harm to the kidneys, liver and can even cause cancers.
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