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News Analysis

Important Facts For Prelims

DRDO’s Ultra Swachh

  • 02 Jun 2020
  • 2 min read

Why in News

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed a disinfection unit named Ultra Swachh to disinfect a wide range of materials, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), electronics items, fabrics, etc.

Key Points

  • The system uses an advanced oxidative process (ozonation).
    • Ozonation is a type of advanced oxidation process, involving the production of very reactive oxygen species able to attack a wide range of organic compounds and all microorganisms.
    • Ozone is more effective than chlorine in destroying viruses and bacteria.
  • The system is double layered with specialised Ozone sealant technology assuring trapping of ozone for the necessary disinfection cycle.
  • It also has a catalytic converter to ensure environment friendly exhaust i.e only oxygen and water.
    • A catalytic converter is a device used in exhaust systems to reduce emissions.
  • The Ultra Swachh comes in two variants namely Ozonated Space and Trinetra Technology. Trinetra technology is the combination of Ozonated space and radical dispenser.

Defence Research and Development Organisation

  • DRDO was established in 1958 after combining the Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) of the Indian Army and the Directorate of Technical Development & Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science Organisation (DSO).
  • DRDO works under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
  • It is working to establish a world class science and technology base for India and provides our Defence Services decisive edge by equipping them with internationally competitive systems and solutions.


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