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News Analysis

Internal Security

Defence Acquisition Council

  • 29 Nov 2019
  • 3 min read

Why in News

The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has approved the procurement of weapons and equipment worth ₹22,800 crore.

  • The focus was on ‘Make in India’ initiative i.e. on indigenous design, development and manufacturing of weapons and equipment.

Weapons and Equipment Approved

  • Thermal Imaging Night Sights for Assault Rifles: These would enable troops to undertake long range accurate engagements in dark and all weather conditions thereby enhancing the night fighting capabilities.
  • Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft for the Indian Air Force (IAF).
    • These platforms would provide on-board command & control and 'early warning' which would assist the Indian Air Force (IAF) in achieving effective air space dominance in the least possible time.
    • Induction of these aircraft will greatly enhance both the Air defence and offensive capabilities of the IAF.
    • The shortage of such force multipliers was felt during the aerial engagement with the Pakistan Air Force, a day after the Balakot air strike in February, 2019.
  • P8I long range patrol aircraft for the Indian Navy: These aircraft would greatly strengthen the Navy's capabilities for maritime surveillance, Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Anti-Surface Vessel (ASV) strike. These would be procured from the United States.
  • Twin Engine Heavy Helicopters (TEHH) for the Indian Coast Guard: These aircraft would enable the Coast Guard to undertake missions to prevent maritime terrorism, infiltration of terrorists by sea routes as well as search & rescue operations.

Defence Acquisition Council

  • The Defence Acquisition Council is the highest decision-making body in the Defence Ministry for deciding on new policies and capital acquisitions for the three services (Army, Navy and Air Force) and the Indian Coast Guard.
  • The Minister of Defence is the Chairman of the Council.
  • It was formed, after the Group of Ministers recommendations on 'Reforming the National Security System', in 2001, post Kargil War (1999).

Source: TH

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