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CPWD to Allow 4% Quota for Disabled

  • 24 May 2022
  • 10 min read

For Prelims: Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016, Various schemes related with PwD, CPWD

For Mains: Schemes for vulnerable, Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016

Why in News?

Recently, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) has started the process to identify 4% of posts of junior engineer (civil and electrical) to be reserved for persons with disabilities (PwD) as mandated by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016(RPwD Act).

What are the Key points?

  • The Central construction agency wrote to its regional offices to identify 4% of the posts and places where persons with benchmark disabilities can be posted.
  • The CPWD asked the regional centers to also make “appropriate reasonable accommodation” for PwD, as the RPwD Act says.
  • Earlier, the expert Committee (under CPWD) was of the view that the PwD need to have requisite technical qualification or the post in the first place and subsequently he or she has to compete in the selection process to be considered for the post,
  • Later, the committee advised CPWD to follow the DEPWD’s notification for recruitment to JE (civil and electrical).

What are Constitutional Provisions related to Disability?

  • Article 41 of the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) states that State shall make effective provision for securing right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement, within the limits of its economic capacity and development.
  • The subject of ‘relief of the disabled and unemployable’ is specified in the state list of the Seventh schedule of the constitution.

What are the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016?

  • Definition:
    • Disability has been defined based on an evolving and dynamic concept.
    • Benchmark disability refers to having at least 40% disability of any type recognized under the Act.
  • Types:
    • The types of disabilities have been increased from 7 to 21.
    • The Act added mental illness, autism, spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, chronic neurological conditions, speech and language disability, thalassemia, hemophilia, sickle cell disease, multiple disabilities including deaf blindness, acid attack victims and Parkinson’s disease.
    • In addition, the Government has been authorized to notify any other category of specified disability.
  • Reservation:
    • It increased the reservation for people suffering from disabilities from 3% to 4% in government jobs and from 3% to 5% in higher education institutes.
  • Education:
    • Every child with benchmark disability between the age group of 6 and 18 years shall have the right to free education. Government funded educational institutions as well as the government recognized institutions will have to provide inclusive education.
  • Accessibility:
    • Stress has been given to ensure accessibility in public buildings in a prescribed time frame along with the Accessible India Campaign.
  • Regulatory Body:
    • The Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and the State Commissioners will act as regulatory bodies and Grievance Redressal agencies, monitoring implementation of the Act.
  • Special Fund:
    • A separate National and State Fund will be created to provide financial support to the persons with disabilities.

What are the Various Government Schemes for PwDs ?

    • This is an early intervention and school readiness scheme for children up to 10 years with the disabilities covered under the National Trust Act.
    • A day care scheme for persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities, above 10 years for enhancing interpersonal and vocational skills.
    • A scheme to provide respite home for orphans, families in crisis, Persons with Disabilities (PwD) from BPL, LIG families with at least one of the four disabilities covered under the National Trust Act.
    • This scheme provides housing and care services throughout the life of the person with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.
    • This scheme is to provide affordable Health Insurance to persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.
    • A scheme to set up Caregiver Cells (CGCs) for training and creating skilled workforce of caregivers to care for Person with Disabilities (PwD) and their families.
    • A marketing scheme to create viable & wide spread channels for sale of products and services produced by persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities.
    • This is a scheme to set up additional resource centers in each city, to collate and collect the Aids, software and other forms of assistive devices.
    • This scheme supports Registered Organizations (RO) of The National Trust to carry out activities for increasing the awareness of The National Trust disabilities.
  • Other Important Schemes:

What is Central Public Works Department (CPWD)?

  • CPWD came into existence in July, 1854 when Lord Dalhousie established a central agency for execution of public works and set up Ajmer Provincial Division.
  • It has been serving the nation for the last 164 years.
  • It has now grown into a comprehensive construction management department, which provides services from project concept to completion, consultancy and maintenance management.
  • It is headed by Director General (DG) who is also the Principal Technical Advisor to the Government of India. The regions and sub-regions are headed by Special DGs and Additional DGs respectively, while the zones in all state capitals (except a few) are headed by Chief Engineers.
  • CPWD has pan India presence and has ability to undertake construction of complex projects even in difficult terrain and maintenance in post construction stage.
  • CPWD had been involved in construction of stadiums and other infrastructure requirements for Asian Games 1982 and Commonwealth Games 2010.

UPSC Civil Services Examination, Previous Year Questions

Q. India is home to lakhs of persons with disabilities. What are the benefits available to them under the law? (2011)

  1. Free schooling till the age of 18 years in governmentrun schools.
  2. Preferential allotment of land for setting up business.
  3. Ramps in public buildings.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)


  • As the question was asked in 2011, Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 didn’t existed. The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 ensures equal opportunities for the people with disabilities and their full participation in the nation building.
  • The Act provides for education, employment and vocational training, reservation, rehabilitation and social security for the persons with disabilities. The Act directs Governments and the local authorities to ensure that every child with a disability has access to free education in an appropriate environment till the age of 18 and endeavour to promote the integration of students with disabilities in the normal schools. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • Further, the Act directs Governments and local authorities to frame schemes in favour of persons with disabilities, for the preferential allotment of land (at concessional rates) for house, setting up a business, establishment of special schools, establishment of factories by entrepreneurs with disabilities. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
  • The Act provides for ramps in public buildings, including hospitals, railway stations, airports, etc. Hence, statement 3 is correct.


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