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Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification 2018

  • 29 Dec 2018
  • 6 min read

The Union Cabinet has approved the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2018 which were last reviewed and issued in 2011.

  • CRZ Notification 2018 is based on the recommendations of Shailesh Nayak committee.
  • The notification was released after a series of representations received by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC) from various Coastal States/UTs for a comprehensive review of the provisions of the CRZ Notification, 2011.

Coastal Regulation Zones

  • Coastal stretches of seas, bays, estuaries, creeks, rivers, and backwaters were declared as CRZs under coastal zone regulation notification in 1991.
  • CRZs have been classified into 4 zones for the purpose of regulation:
    • CRZ-I: includes ecologically sensitive areas, where no construction is allowed except activities for atomic power plants, defense.
    • CRZ-II: includes designated urban areas that are substantially built up. Construction activities are allowed on the landward side only.
    • CRZ-III: includes relatively undisturbed areas, mainly rural areas. No new construction of buildings allowed in this zone except repairing of the existing ones. However, constructions of dwelling units in the plot area lying between 200-500m of the high tide line is allowed.
    • CRZ-IV: includes the water area covered between Low Tide Line and 12 nautical miles seaward. Except for fishing and related activities, all actions impugning on the sea and tidal water will be regulated in this zone.

Salient Features of Notification 2018

  • Floor Space Index Norms Eased: In CRZ, 2011 Notification, for CRZ-II (Urban) areas, Floor Space Index (FSI) was frozen as per 1991 Development Control Regulation (DCR) levels.In the CRZ, 2018 Notification, it has been decided to de-freeze the same and permits FSI for construction projects to enable redevelopment of these areas to meet the emerging needs.
  • New Categories for densely populated rural areas: For CRZ-III (Rural) areas, two separate categories have now been stipulated as below:
    • CRZ-III A - These are densely populated rural areas with a population density of 2161 per square kilometer as per 2011 Census.
      • Such areas will have a No Development Zone (NDZ) of 50 meters from the High Tide Line as against 200 meters from the High Tide Line stipulated in the CRZ Notification, 2011.
    • CRZ-III B - Rural areas with a population density of below 2161 per square kilometer as per 2011 Census. Such areas shall continue to have an NDZ of 200 meters from the HTL.
  • Tourism infrastructure in coastal areas: Temporary tourism facilities such as toilet blocks, change rooms, drinking water facilities etc. have now been permitted in Beaches. However, a minimum distance of 10 m from HTL should be maintained for setting up of such facilities.
  • CRZ Clearances streamlined: Only such projects/activities, which are located in the CRZ-I (Ecologically Sensitive Areas) and CRZ IV (area covered between Low Tide Line and 12 Nautical Miles seaward) will be required to be cleared by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. For, the CRZ-II (urban) or CRZ III (rural) areas, the CRZ clearance will be considered at the state level by the Coastal Zone Management Authority (CZMA).
  • No Development Zone (NDZ) of 20 meters for Islands: For islands close to the mainland coast and for all Backwater Islands in the mainland, NDZ of 20 m has been stipulated.
    • Ecologically Sensitive Areas have been accorded special importance: Specific guidelines related to their conservation and management plans have been drawn up as a part of the CRZ Notification.
  • Pollution abatement: In order to address pollution in Coastal areas treatment facilities have been made permissible activities in CRZ-I B area (the area between the Low tide line and High tide line) subject to necessary safeguards.
  • Defense and strategic projects are exempted from regulations.


  • Economic Growth: The proposed CRZ Notification, 2018 will lead to enhanced activities in the coastal regions thereby promoting economic growth while also conserving the coastal regions.
  • Boost to Tourism and Employment: It will result in significant employment generation and in better living standard and add value to the economy of India.
  • Boost to Conservation Efforts: The new notification is expected to rejuvenate the coastal areas while reducing their vulnerabilities.
  • Boost to Housing: De-freezing FSI Norms will add to creating additional opportunities for affordable housing. This will benefit not only the housing sector but the people looking for shelter.


  • The notification has simplified procedures for environmental clearances and will open up fragile intertidal areas to real estate agents adding up to the coastal degradation.
  • The notification fails to address the concerns raised by the fishermen.
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