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Important Facts For Prelims

Climate Change Affecting Banana Cultivation

  • 06 Sep 2019
  • 2 min read

According to a recent study published in Nature Climate Change, 10 leading banana producer countries including India- the largest producer & consumer of banana could see a significant decline in crop yields due to climate change.

  • The study also revealed that the 27 countries that account for 86% of the world’s banana production, have seen an increased crop yield since 1961 due to the changing climate resulting in more favourable growing conditions.
  • But climate change is eventually causing a negative impact in India.
  • Being a tropical crop banana grows well under the following conditions:
    • Temperature: 15ºC – 35ºC
    • Rainfall: an average rainfall of 650-750 mm
    • Regional variation: Humid tropics to dry mild subtropics
    • Soil: Deep, rich loamy soil is most preferred for banana cultivation.
  • Researchers across the globe are concerned about the impact of diseases like Fusarium Wilt on bananas, but the impacts of climate change on crop production have been largely ignored. It is imperative that we invest in preparing tropical agriculture for future climate change.
  • Practical solutions to this problem are scattered across banana producing countries. This knowledge exchange needs to start now to counteract predicted yield losses due to climate change.

Source: IE

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