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News Analysis

Internal Security

BOLD-QIT Project

  • 05 Mar 2019
  • 3 min read

The Union Home Minister has inaugurated the project BOLD-QIT (Border Electronically Dominated QRT Interception Technique).

  • The project has been constructed under the CIBMS (Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System) on India-Bangladesh border in Dhubri District of Assam.


  • Border Security Force (BSF) is responsible for the safeguarding of 4,096 Km long International Border with Bangladesh. At various places, it is not possible to erect Border Fence due to the geographical barriers.
  • The 61 Kilometers of the Border area in District Dhubri, Assam where River Brahmaputra enters into Bangladesh is consisting of vast char lands and innumerable river channels thus making border guards in this area, a tough task especially during rainy season.
  • To overcome this problem, in the year 2017, the Ministry of Home Affairs decided to go for a technological solution besides the physical presence of BSF.
  • In January 2018, Information and Technology Wing of BSF undertook the project BOLD-QIT (Border Electronically Dominated QRT Interception Technique).


  • BOLD-QIT is the project to install technical systems which enable BSF to equip Indo-Bangla borders with different kind of sensors in the unfenced riverine area of the Brahmaputra and its tributaries.
  • Now, the entire span of River Brahmaputra is covered with data network generated by Microwave communication, Optical fibers cable (OFC), Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Communication, day and night surveillance Cameras, and intrusion detection system.


  • These modern gadgets provide feeds to BSF Control Rooms on the Border and enable BSF Quick Reaction Teams to thwart any possibility of Illegal Cross Border Crossing/ Crimes.
  • The implementation of this project will not only help BSF to curb all type of cross border crimes but also provide respite to the troops from round the clock human surveillance.

Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System (CIBMS)

  • The CIBMS is a robust and integrated system that is capable of addressing the gaps in the present system of border security by seamlessly integrating human resources, weapons, and high-tech surveillance equipment.
  • CIBMS is being implemented since 2016.
  • CIBMS has three components which are using a number of different devices for surveillance, efficient and dedicated communication network and data storage for a composite picture.
  • Sensors like Thermal Imager, Unattended Ground Sensor(UGS), Fiber Optical Sensors, Radar, Sonar, satellite imagery are used in CIBMS.
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