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Atulya: Microwave Steriliser

  • 01 May 2020
  • 1 min read

Why in News

Recently, the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology has developed a microwave steriliser named as ‘Atulya’ to disintegrate Covid-19 virus.

  • The Covid-19 virus gets disintegrated by differential heating of Atulya in the range of 56° to 60° Celsius temperatures.


Key Points

  • Atulya is a cost effective solution, which can be operated in portable or fixed installations.
  • It has been tested for human/operator safety and found to be safe.
  • The time of sterilisation can be varied from 30 seconds to one minute depending upon size and shape of various objects.
    • Sterilisation refers to any process that eliminates, removes, kills, or deactivates all forms of life (in particular referring to microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spores, etc.) and other biological agents.
  • Approximate weight of the system is 3 kilogrammes and it can be used for non-metallic objects only.


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