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Adarsh Station Scheme | 04 Jul 2019

The Adarsh station scheme of Ministry of Railways aims to upgrade the suburban stations of India to Adarsh stations.

  • Selection of railway stations under Adarsh Station scheme is based on the identified need for up-gradation of amenities.

Key features

  • Adarsh stations will be beautified and upgraded with modern facilities like:
    • Improvement of facade of the station building.
    • Duly streamlining traffic flow
    • Improvement of platform surface
    • Improvement of existing waiting halls and retiring rooms
    • Toilet facilities
    • Provision of foot overbridges
    • Provision of lifts and escalators etc.
  • The upgradation process will be monitored by the Indian Government and Indian Railways.

Station Redevelopment Program: Apart from Adarsh station scheme of the Ministry of Railways, a separate policy has been made for the development of stations under Station Redevelopment Programme.

  • Under station redevelopment program of Indian railways, IRSDC (Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited) and other Government agencies are entrusted for undertaking the techno-economic feasibility based on which stations are planned to be taken up for redevelopment in phases especially the stations located in major cities, pilgrimage centres and important tourist destinations.